Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Who Am I?

I am a Nursing Student. I am Exhausted. I am Determined. I am Motivated. I am Having Fun. I have three more weeks of my first semester in nursing school and I have to say that the last few months have been some of the most interesting, challenging, and educating of my life.

The last few months have been so jam packed with information that at times I feel my head cannot fill it all. And the test I have been given have been pretty fun, surprisingly. The tests are different from what I am used to but I enjoy the challenge for the most part.

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To learn all of this information and to pass with good grades requires having to sacrifice sleep some nights. I have become a coffee/cappuccino/latte connoisseur, if you would like I can recommend several quality coffee shops in the Inland Empire. Nursing school teaches you how to be a good nurse, but it also teaches you how to manage your time and to prioritize.

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Along with the coffee I developed a determination to push forward and read just one more chapter.

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My classmates keep me motivated to do better. They are such intelligent people and they push me to be the best nurse I can be.