Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Life as a Nursing Student

        When you apply to Nursing School everyone will tell you that for the next three years you will have no life. Honestly I was skeptical despite the many warnings. I was confident in my academic ability and capability as a student. I knew there would be some struggles, but I thought it would be manageable with only minimal effort. However we are barely four weeks in and I must admit that this has been the most challenging four weeks of my academic career.
        In Nursing School academic knowledge is only a part of the whole of our education. I think the two most important things we can and need to learn in this program are: how to stay organized and to prioritize. Organization has always been a struggle for me, but I have never been so aware of its importance as when I started Nursing School. Starting now procrastination does not exist in my vocabulary.
       Prioritizing is just as important to a nurse as it is to a student. It is possible to have a life in this program, but at times I will have to make the more difficult decision. Getting a degree in Nursing is hard work. To get the grades I want and to become the kind of nurse I want means having to forgo hanging out with friends and going to a movie when I have to finish some reading. Like in Nursing you have to make the choice that is most vital even if it is not the easiest.
        I know the next few years will be tough, but that does not mean to say I do not feel blessed to be where I am. It is actually the opposite. In the last few weeks I have met some amazing people. They are so smart and dedicated to becoming a nurse, that I feel they push to improve and better myself in every way. This program is so competitive; we all want to be the best. Despite this I can honestly say these people in my cohort are some of the most helpful people I can hope to meet. I am extremely excited for what comes next.

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